
Learning in Action

Our core curriculum is taught through blended themes and student inquiry, it is delivered by classroom teachers; Literacy, Mathematics, Learning language: Te Reo, Science, Arts, Health and Physical Education, Technology and Social Science. Our collegiate uses Habits of Minds to help students develop thinking strategies which help them with their learning and life skills.

Digital technologies are part of learning and problem solving is a key focus. All classes have an active board and other technologies are available for students to use including netbooks, desktop computers, digital cameras and i pads with video capabilities.

Teachers are expected to support elements of students identity, language and culture into the curriculum teaching and learning. High expectations are paramount – “Students who expect and are expected to succeed are more likely to succeed”.

Our school has an extensive range of extra options available, participation and contributing is encourage for all of our students. These options are additional to and supportive of the New Zealand curriculum.

  • Kapahaka – Māori performing arts where students of all culture express and showcase Maori heritage.
  • Sistema – In school Sistema classes and lessons at Otara Music Arts Center students learn musicianship and the skills of playing an orchestral instrument.
  • Giftedness – Extension programme for students identified and tested as ‘gifted’ and giftedness catered for within the classroom through inquiry and thinking groups.
  • Peer Mediators – Students who have demonstrated emotional intelligence are trained to problem solve in peer mediation and take on leadership roles within our learning community.
  • PART – Reading and writing course that targets students who need a booster. Specialist Teacher aides using data to work one on one with students.
  • ELLP – English Learning Language Progressions that supports students who have English as their second language. Specialist Teacher Aides working with small groups of students.
  • Reading Recovery – Specialist teachers working one on one with Year 1 students.
  • Garden to Table and Dome to Dish Seed to Feed programmes: Learning to grow food to eat and to take home are life skills that support the well being of our community.
  • STEM – Science, Technology, English and Mathematics. Collegiate future scientist group has been established and are currently doing research on our local water ways.
  • Charity Events – Our students overtime will take part in a series of events that support the wider community e.g. National events, Beach clean ups, Jump Rope for Heart, Natural disaster fundraisers.