
Located in the heart of the Collegiate the Library is a busy and popular learning environment for students.

“The role of Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate Library is to encourage the students to become confident, active and skilled lifelong learners by providing a welcoming and well-resourced environment that is enhanced by the promotion of the enjoyment of reading and the development of information and research skills. Secondly the role of the Library is to support the learning and teaching of the three school’s curriculum.”

(From the draft copy of Sir Edmund Hillary Collegiate Library Management Statement.2008)


(Students from all three schools collaborated to create this wall art in 2018)

As the heart of the Collegiate we have a responsibility to be inclusive and support all three schools as they deliver the curriculum to their students as well as provide students with a chance to experience successful, independent learning and provide for their recreational needs as well. As a wider part of the Collegiate community the Library supports the Collegiate Play Group, the Mt Richmond unit and Barnardos KidStart Early Learning Centre. We provide a modern and comfortable environment where students can read, create, meets others and make new friends, learn and relax. The students also have access to the computer suite adjacent to the Library before and after school and during break times.

The Library is open from 8am until 4pm and staffed by Mrs Pamela Lilley, the Library Manager and Ms Tina Talapule, the Library Assistant.

The Collegiate has adopted Accessit Library software which allows our students to search for books and other resources. We also subscribe to EPIC, a collaboration between New Zealand libraries and the Ministry of Education, which gives our students access to content from thousands of up-to date, full-text international and local magazines, newspapers, biographies, reference works, images, e-books and multimedia resources.

(click on the link) Collegiate Library Catalogue