The curriculum is constantly evolving to ensure that we will help students learn in a way that will prepare them for tomorrow’s world. It is designed to provide students with a strong foundation for learning through programmes that are engaging and authentic, allowing learners to achieve academic excellence and a lifelong love of learning.
Every learner will be provided with a range of opportunities, within and beyond the classroom, to enrich and extend their learning. Teachers provide a differentiated approach and personalise programmes to meet the specific need of students. In addition students also experience challenge through the variety of specialist subject areas, such as Technology, Materials and the Arts.
Don’t just take our word for it?
Here is what our last ERO report had to say (24/6/15):
“Achievement information in the Middle School is used very well to promote students’ learning.
Particular success in accelerating students’ progress in reading, writing and mathematics is evident, with more than half of all students in Years 7 and 8 now achieving at or above the National Standards. Data also show that Pacific students achieve better than Pacific students in the local area and nationally in writing.
Parents receive increasingly good information about how well their children are progressing and achieving. The board receives regular updates from the principal about the school’s progress towards the achievement of student learning targets. Students are increasingly confident in talking about their learning and their next steps.
Leaders and teachers in the Middle School have a good understanding of teaching as inquiry principles and practices. They are consistently evaluating and modifying their own practice based on achievement information and student needs.”
This is what ERO has to say about how we promote and support student learning:
“The Middle School’s curriculum is promoting and supporting student learning very well. Teachers in the Middle School design learning programmes that encourage students to think critically, to debate, to discuss and share their ideas and opinions. They motivate students to be leaders of their own learning.
Teachers base classroom programmes appropriately on reading, writing and mathematics learning. School leaders employ tutors to ensure that other areas of the curriculum such as science, technology and the arts are well covered and delivered in ways that interest and inspire students.
Most teachers in the Middle School are skilled practitioners. They respond positively to professional learning opportunities and consistently reflect on and seek to improve their practice. They actively seek ways to make learning more relevant and interesting for students, and to base learning on students’ own experiences, interests and cultural backgrounds. Teachers appropriately ensure that Māori concepts and language are part of their curriculum design.
The Middle School value system promotes consistently high expectations for adults and students. Students experience mutually respectful relationships with staff and each other. Student successes are celebrated regularly, and students ably fulfil the many leadership roles available to them.”
Reporting on your child’s progress
The following information will help you know how your child is doing at school:
- Student Led Conferences (term one)
- Parent Interviews (term two)
- Written Reports (terms two and four)
Throughout the year students participate in a range of cognitive and non-cognitive assessment tasks which are used to inform teaching and learning programmes. Students are encouraged to lead their own learning, and work with the teacher to interpret their assessment data in order to identify next learning steps.
We use an extensive range of standardised assessment tools such as e-asTTle and PAT to determine progress and achievement. This information is reported regularly to parents and caregivers through student led conferences and twice yearly written reports against the National Standards.
Here is some information Parents may find useful (Just click on the links below)
Ministry of Education information on National Standards
Ministry of Education information about how National Standards link to NZ Curriculum levels
Information on PAT and STAR tests
Information on e-asttle testing