English at Sir Edmund Hillary Middle School encompasses the teaching and learning of; oral, written, and visual forms of the language.
Reading and writing are integrated with connective links to all curriculum areas.
Programmes will:
- Reflect the culture and needs of the children.
- Allow for learning and teaching of the key competencies.
- Be purposeful and meaningful to enable all students to experience success in literacy.
- Be adaptive and relevant.
- Provide ongoing assessment practices to enhance learning for the students.
- Reflect current and effective literacy practice.
Knowledge, skills and experience can be gained as students:
- Engage with, and enjoy language in all its varieties.
- Learn to understand, respond to, and use oral, written and visual language effectively in a range of contexts.
- Learn collaboratively and co-operatively.
- Listen to and accept the responses of others, and respond to them in an appropriate manner.
- Learn independently, and make appropriate choices from independent activities available.
- Take leadership roles in the classroom as appropriate.
- Access appropriate literacy resources as required.
- Set personal English learning goals and plan a learning pathway.
- Confidently explain what they are learning.
- Discuss their learning and share their knowledge with others.
- Reflect on their learning and consider next steps.
- Participate in self and peer assessment.