In Health and Physical Education, the focus is on the well-being of the students themselves, of other people, and of society through learning in health-related and movement contexts. This healthy lifestyle understanding is developed in an integrated fashion through our Skills for adolescence programme, ‘Making Connections’ themes, Hauora Values, Fantastic Four Student Research and Outside Facilitators .
The Middle School years are a time of significant growth and change for adolescents. To help them understand the changes they are undergoing, we deliver the ‘Village Collective’ programme at both year levels within the safe environment provided by the classroom and the home room teacher. We hold parent meetings to share the resources we will be using in this programme, develop partnerships with parents to address any concerns and take on board any feedback from our whanau around the area through feedback forms, surveys and Health Consultation Feedback meetings.
The Health curriculum is further developed through Food Technology, Hospitality, the Sports Faculty and sports training regimes which address healthy nutrition, fitness, mental well-being and the pursuit of exercise routines into adulthood.
At Sir Edmund Hillary Middle School you have the opportunity to learn and understand about the fundamentals and skills of a variety of physical activities. Our staff are experienced in Physical Education. In our Junior Program pupils experience a variety of activities and a variety of facilities.
Junior Physical Education Philosophy:
- Students will develop their critical thinking and interpersonal skills through active participation in a range of physical contexts.
- Students will develop their motor skills and an understanding of physical activities through active participation.