Kia ora all,
We will be using this webpage to communicate to the Senior School community update information about the actions we are taking. We would appreciate that this information is shared with families and students.
Update 24-3-2019 12.15pm
Details about the next 4 weeks ahead.
- Term 1 now ENDS Friday 27th March 2020
- Monday 30 March – Tuesday 14 April is the two-week holiday break
- Term 2 STARTS Wednesday 15 April – until Wednesday 22 April but we will all still be at home under Level 4 Alert.
Teachers will continue with distance learning and learning tasks for students will be online in Google Classroom, Education Perfect etc
If the Level 4 Alert time at home is extended beyond Wednesday 22 April, we will simply continue to learn Online.
Our main focus is for us all to do the right thing and – Stay At Home.
We can do this, be kind and stay safe
Update 23-3-2019 2.50pm
As announced by Jacinda Ardern today at 2.00pm NZ is entering Level 3 and in 48 hours we will enter Level 4. (more information on levels). This means that the school will be closed from Thursday 26th for a period of 4 weeks. This means students will not be able to attend the school from Thursday 26th for a period of 4 weeks.
Tuesday 24th and Wednesday 25th will be teacher only days, we will be able to support students who need to attend due to parent/caregiver work requirements
Update 23-3-2019 2.15pm
As announced by Jacinda Ardern today at 2.00pm NZ is entering Level 3 and in 48 hours we will enter Level 4. (more information on levels). This means that the school will be closed from Thursday 26th for a period of 4 weeks. This means students will not be able to attend the school from Thursday 26th for a period of 4 weeks.
We are currently reassessing our earlier announcements in regards to the Teacher Only day and rostering Year 12 and 13 students home. We will inform you as soon as we can about what the school will be doing on Tuesday and Wednesday.
Update 23-3-2019
As noted on the website notice – there will be a Teacher Only Day on Wednesday 25th March 2020. This is to help enable staff to create physical and digital resources to support students learning while away from school.
We will be rostering home Year 12 and 13 students tomorrow on Tuesday 24th March 2020, this is due to the reduced staffing capacity that we have due to the announcement by Jacinda Ardern over the weekend about people over 70 and those with pre-existing conditions, such as chronic respiratory disease – including severe asthma, bronchiectasis and COPD – and those who are immunocompromised, to stay at home. We have a dedicated staff who are determined to do all they can to support the students and their learning however we need to act on the advice for their wellbeing also.
Please continue to check this website for further information as this situation is rapidly changing as you will be aware. Stay safe and be kind.
Naku noa, nā
Kiri Turketo
Tumuaki | Senior School
New Zealand is currently at Alert Level 2 – Reduce
For COVID-19 health advice and information, contact the Healthline team (for free) on 0800 358 5453 or +64 9 358 5453 for international SIMS.
Trusted Sources of Information
Ministry of Health
Ministry of Education
Unite against Covid-19