
Kia ora, Kia orana, Talofa lava, Malo e leiei, Fakalofa lahi atu,

“Ko haere whaka wa, Titiro whaka muri”

Walk towards the future facing the past

Welcome to History at SEHC. History is the subject where you learn about the past, to help you understand the present, so that you can prepare for the future.
It is a subject which helps you to think, analyse. debate and question why things are the way they are. It teaches you research and presentation skills and to understand perspective, to walk in other people’s shoes.

The skills you develop and practice in History will be invaluable in many careers including journalist, lawyer, researcher, presenter, teacher; in fact any profession where you have to think!

You will learn these skills through reading, writing, viewing, role-playing and presenting.

Each year, in each History 1, II, III, there is a field trip to a place where history happened, so that we can stand on that land and imagine the past events.

Career Pathways with History

Any career where you need to use the skills of analysis, logic, perspective, research, and presentation: eg researcher, journalist, lawyer, teacher,….the list goes on!

Other: History is an accredited University subject, and one that can be used if an arts subject is asked for.

If you have any other concerns or questions please ask Mr Bain or Miss Malpas.

Course Information

Level 1 History

Course Title: History Course NCEA Level (s): 1
Course Code: HIS101
Course Description:

This course aims to develop a love of learning and an awareness of the past through the study of people and issues and how these relate to us as New Zealanders.

The theme for the year is Conflict and how it has created change throughout history. We will learn about:

* Local conflict: land, sovereignty issues and sporting is

* Ideological conflict: Wars in Asia, the nuclear issue.

* Social conflict: Black civil Rights, Aboriginal and Pacifica Rights

Course Details



Level AS / US Int /


Credit Value Title of Standard
91001 1 AS Int 4 Carry out an investigation of an historical event of significance to New Zealanders
91002 1 AS Int 4 Demonstrate an understanding of an historical event that is of significance to New Zealanders
91003 1 AS Ext 4 Interpret sources of an historical event of significance to New Zealanders.
91004 1 AS Int 4 Demonstrate an understanding of different perspectives of people in an historical event of significance to new Zealanders
91043(SocSt) 1 AS Int 4 Describe social justice and rights
91005 1 AS Ext 4 Describe and causes and consequence of an historical event.
TOTAL 6 24

Level 2 History

Course Title: History Course NCEA Level (s): 2
Course Code: HIS201
Course Description:

This course aims to develop a love of learning and an awareness of the past through a study of political forces and how they affect people and governments.

The theme for the year is: Forces that Changed the 20th century World. We will look at:

  • Asserting identity in New Zealand and the Pacific.
  • Forces that Changed 20th century Europe: Communism and the Russian Revolution, Stalinist Russia, Fascism and the Nazi State, the Cold War

Course Details



Level AS / US Int /


Credit Value Title of Standard
91229 2 AS Int 4 Carry out a planned enquiry of an historical event, or place, of significance to New Zealanders.
91230 2 AS Int 5 Examine an historical event or place, of significance to New Zealanders
91232 2 AS Int 5 Interpret different perspectives of people in an historical event of significance to New Zealanders
91233 2 AS Ext 5 Examine the causes and consequences of a significant event.
TOTAL: 4 19

Level 3 History

Course Title: History Course NCEA Level (s): 3
Course Code: HIS301
Course Description:

This course aims to develop a love of learning and an awareness of the past through a study of people and the events that affected them.

This course has two distinct parts.

Part A: Race relations in 19th century Aotearoa/New Zealand: The New Zealand Wars

Part B: A comparative study of India and China from colonialism to independence and


Course Details



Level AS / US Int /


Credit Value Title of Standard
91434 3 AS Int 5 Research an historical event or place of significance to New Zealander using primary and secondary sources.
91435 3 AS Int 5 Analyse an historical event or place of significance to New Zealand
91437 3 AS Int 5 Analyse different perspectives of an event that is of significance to New Zealanders
91438 3 AS Ext 6 Analyse the causes and consequences of an historical event.
TOTAL: 4 21